Meetings are Autonomous (Tradition 4)
Meeting format (agreed monthly at group conscience / business meeting open to all group members)
In depth share, Step study, Daily, Affirmation book reading, Guest Speaker, Big Red Book Study Topics, ( weekly general member share)
Tools to aid our recovery
ACA approved literature, working the 12 steps, attending meetings, support from other members between meetings, and Sponsorship.
The welcome and respect we offer Newcomers is a reflection of the love, growth and respect we are learning to offer ourselves, It is suggested newcomers attend 6 consecutive meetings to see if the ACA program is suited to the recovery they seek
Safety policy
In line with tradition 1: our common welfare should come first personal recovery depends on ACA unity. Cross talk, giving advice, or making comments about another person sharing ( making distracting noises during share time is not permitted in ACA we do not engage in this behaviour, We focus on our own recovery, taking responsibility for our own lives.
Anonymity allows us to share our feelings and to experience an “identity” apart from a “label” who you see at meetings, what you hear at meetings, let it stay at meetings, No gossip or fear of anonymity being broken is permitted. our own recovery , and respect to other peoples recovery is in line with tradition One. Our common welfare should come first personal recovery depends on ACA unity.